Thanks again Paul. The first thing I noticed was that there was no option to
format the picture. I cut and pasted parts of png images that I had opened
in Paint and I'm suspecting that the cutting and pasting rather than
inserting from a file is the culprit. If so, then I can do the same again so
long as I remember to save the images in a file. I'm just at a bit of a loss
to explain why they appear for a while then disappear but show up in the
thumbnail! I normally use Visio as a CASE tool and this image business is
all new to me but I thought it might be useful to demonstrate .xml structures
to the uninitiated.
Post by Paul HerberOn Sat, 9 Feb 2008 03:08:00 -0800, Dave E
Post by Dave EThanks Paul for the response. I can find the images as you described or by
moving the mouse to the appropriate part of the screen but all I get is a
placeholder. It's like there's a problem with the image properties but I
can't see what. This happens to me in Visio 2003 in work and 2007 at home.
First thing to look at is select an image
menu Format -> Picture
and check that the Brightness, Contrast and Transparency are set to a
reasonable value.
What type of images are these, GIF, JPG?
Are there any 3D or CAD images?
Regards, Paul Herber, Sandrila Ltd.
Visio Utilities