Problem with layers, background/foreground pages
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J. McCrossan
2005-06-06 14:01:03 UTC
I am trying to create a drawing on a background page and then display
selected objects from that drawing on each of several foreground pages. I
connected each foreground page with the background page containing the
drawing and assigned layers to the objects in the background drawing.
According to "Microsoft Office Vision 2003 Inside Out" (p. 469-470) I should
now be able to go to each foreground page and assign visibility to the
layers for that page. I cannot see how to do that. When I look at layer
properties on a foreground page, there are no layers listed.

Can anyone help?
Chris Roth [ Visio MVP ]
2005-06-06 22:14:54 UTC
If the background page displays the same stuff for all the foreground pages,
then you can do this in the shapesheet.

You could hook background-layer visibility to User-cells that you add to the
Document ShapeSheet (Shift + Window + Show ShapeSheet). For example:

Page's ShapeSheet:

Layers[2].Visible = TheDoc!User.ShowLayer2

Then you could add Right-mouse Actions to each page to turn layers on and
off by shoving values to the doc's shapesheet:

Page's ShapeSheet again:

Action.Menu = "Toggle layer visiblilty"
Action.Action = SetF(GetRef(TheDoc.User.ShowLayer2),
Action.Checked = TheDoc.User.ShowLayer2 = true

If you are expecting different settings from each foreground page to apply
to the background page, then you'll have to write code to trap the activated
window event and push the foreground settings to the background layers.
Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP
Post by J. McCrossan
I am trying to create a drawing on a background page and then display
selected objects from that drawing on each of several foreground pages. I
connected each foreground page with the background page containing the
drawing and assigned layers to the objects in the background drawing.
According to "Microsoft Office Vision 2003 Inside Out" (p. 469-470) I should
now be able to go to each foreground page and assign visibility to the
layers for that page. I cannot see how to do that. When I look at layer
properties on a foreground page, there are no layers listed.
Can anyone help?
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