2004-11-04 23:28:03 UTC
A training course I am taking talks about a selectable item from the Visio
2000 toolbar drop-down item "UML". this selectable item is called "Code" and
from there another option is "Generate" and from there another selectable
item is "target language" and then next "Visual Basic " and so forth and so
on - the goal being to generate .NET code from a UML class diagram created in
Visio 2000 or 2003. The problem is that the initial drop-down item does not
exist in my Visio 2000 or 2003 UML drop-down list. Does this code generation
functionality actually exist and I have not setup Visio correctly or is the
Microsoft training course have some flaw as to the actual existence of Visio
functionality ?
Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
2000 toolbar drop-down item "UML". this selectable item is called "Code" and
from there another option is "Generate" and from there another selectable
item is "target language" and then next "Visual Basic " and so forth and so
on - the goal being to generate .NET code from a UML class diagram created in
Visio 2000 or 2003. The problem is that the initial drop-down item does not
exist in my Visio 2000 or 2003 UML drop-down list. Does this code generation
functionality actually exist and I have not setup Visio correctly or is the
Microsoft training course have some flaw as to the actual existence of Visio
functionality ?
Thanks for any help anyone can provide.