Conundrum Here- conflict between verisons- what can I do?
(too old to reply)
2005-09-21 13:28:03 UTC
At home I have Visio 2003 verison of but at work I have Visio 2002 version
and there is an conflict/error message stating that it can't open due to the
Verison is there away around this conundrum?
John Marshall, MVP
2005-09-21 16:56:23 UTC
You can change the default save format so that Visio 2003 saves as Visio
2002 format. See the other newsgroup for further details.

John... Visio MVP

Need stencils or ideas? http://www.mvps.org/visio/3rdparty.htm
Need VBA examples? http://www.mvps.org/visio/VBA.htm
Common Visio Questions http://www.mvps.org/visio/common_questions.htm
Visio Wishlist http://www.mvps.org/visio/wish_list.htm
Post by cknight5
At home I have Visio 2003 verison of but at work I have Visio 2002 version
and there is an conflict/error message stating that it can't open due to the
Verison is there away around this conundrum?
2005-09-21 17:49:01 UTC
Thanks, for the answer/reply.

Have a Great Day,

Crystal Knight
Post by John Marshall, MVP
You can change the default save format so that Visio 2003 saves as Visio
2002 format. See the other newsgroup for further details.
John... Visio MVP
Need stencils or ideas? http://www.mvps.org/visio/3rdparty.htm
Need VBA examples? http://www.mvps.org/visio/VBA.htm
Common Visio Questions http://www.mvps.org/visio/common_questions.htm
Visio Wishlist http://www.mvps.org/visio/wish_list.htm
Post by cknight5
At home I have Visio 2003 verison of but at work I have Visio 2002 version
and there is an conflict/error message stating that it can't open due to the
Verison is there away around this conundrum?
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