2005-01-18 17:51:03 UTC
I am attempting to setup a sort of GUI database using Visio for computer
equiptment here at my job. I tried getting the Access database to work with
Visio, but it was only a one way deal. Is it possible for me to setup a floor
plan with equiptment and have the properties change if I move equpitment in
Vision from one room to another? In other words, can I get the properties of
each individual unit to change by dragging them to another room?
equiptment here at my job. I tried getting the Access database to work with
Visio, but it was only a one way deal. Is it possible for me to setup a floor
plan with equiptment and have the properties change if I move equpitment in
Vision from one room to another? In other words, can I get the properties of
each individual unit to change by dragging them to another room?