Organisational Chart Fails To Work Correctly
(too old to reply)
2004-12-03 18:35:15 UTC
For some reason the organisational chart has stopped working in Visio 2000

The instructions say drag the shape over the manager and drop it on and the
connection is made automatically. I have done this in the past but now this
functionality does not work. Dropping the shape over another manager,
subordinate etc. simply leaves teh shape there.

I've searched through to see if I can find an option that has been disabled
but I can't.

Anyone have any ideas ?
Mark Nelson [MS]
2004-12-07 06:56:50 UTC
Two possible things to try:

Go to Tools > Options > Advanced and look for a setting called "Enable
automation events". If this is unchecked, check it and restart Visio.

Create a new Org Chart document starting from the template. Then copy and
paste your shapes over to that document. Save the document, close it and
reopen it.
Mark Nelson
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Post by TJ
For some reason the organisational chart has stopped working in Visio 2000
The instructions say drag the shape over the manager and drop it on and the
connection is made automatically. I have done this in the past but now this
functionality does not work. Dropping the shape over another manager,
subordinate etc. simply leaves teh shape there.
I've searched through to see if I can find an option that has been disabled
but I can't.
Anyone have any ideas ?
2004-12-07 10:07:07 UTC

Thank you so much !!! I spent ages going through as many options as I
thought valid in Vision and searched all support sites but couldn't find the

I turned on the flag and all is working.

Greatly appreciated.

Post by Mark Nelson [MS]
Go to Tools > Options > Advanced and look for a setting called "Enable
automation events". If this is unchecked, check it and restart Visio.
Create a new Org Chart document starting from the template. Then copy and
paste your shapes over to that document. Save the document, close it and
reopen it.
Mark Nelson
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Post by TJ
For some reason the organisational chart has stopped working in Visio 2000
The instructions say drag the shape over the manager and drop it on and the
connection is made automatically. I have done this in the past but now this
functionality does not work. Dropping the shape over another manager,
subordinate etc. simply leaves teh shape there.
I've searched through to see if I can find an option that has been disabled
but I can't.
Anyone have any ideas ?
2005-07-15 16:24:18 UTC
I provide support for about 50 engineers locally, most of whom use some
version of Visio to generate UML diagrams. A few months back a few users
approached me with similar "file opening errors" eventually I fixed the
problem with this little fix "tools->options->advanced | toggle automation

My question: What is an automation event and why does disabling this option
allow these guys to open files when nothin else seems to work? Even when they
cant open any visio files at all when this flag is set (or unset).

-Rob (A+, Net+, MCP)
Post by TJ
For some reason the organisational chart has stopped working in Visio 2000
The instructions say drag the shape over the manager and drop it on and the
connection is made automatically. I have done this in the past but now this
functionality does not work. Dropping the shape over another manager,
subordinate etc. simply leaves teh shape there.
I've searched through to see if I can find an option that has been disabled
but I can't.
Anyone have any ideas ?
Al Edlund
2005-07-15 18:30:04 UTC
many of the 'features' that bring users to Visio are in actuality
applications that have been written to use basic Visio features. These
'add-in's must be aware of the software events that happen under the covers
(i.e. automation events). Enabling/Disabling automation effects Visio's
ability to communicate with these features, and any home grown work that may
have been developed in VBA. If you are supporting multiple users you should
be aware that these add-ins change/appear/disappear from version to
Post by Rob
I provide support for about 50 engineers locally, most of whom use some
version of Visio to generate UML diagrams. A few months back a few users
approached me with similar "file opening errors" eventually I fixed the
problem with this little fix "tools->options->advanced | toggle automation
My question: What is an automation event and why does disabling this option
allow these guys to open files when nothin else seems to work? Even when they
cant open any visio files at all when this flag is set (or unset).
-Rob (A+, Net+, MCP)
Post by TJ
For some reason the organisational chart has stopped working in Visio 2000
The instructions say drag the shape over the manager and drop it on and the
connection is made automatically. I have done this in the past but now this
functionality does not work. Dropping the shape over another manager,
subordinate etc. simply leaves teh shape there.
I've searched through to see if I can find an option that has been disabled
but I can't.
Anyone have any ideas ?