Visio 2013, how to make your own background
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Bjarne Bang Jensen
2013-11-29 14:03:57 UTC
Hi Newsgroup,

I am rather new to the use of Visio 2013 for Windows.

I need to create my own company customized background so the graphics in the background will follow when the sheet becomes larger. How do I do this?

I would also like to make a template (similar to the .DOT file in Word), so Visio always opens up with the required background.

Thanks in advance.

Paul Herber
2013-12-02 17:27:38 UTC
Post by Bjarne Bang Jensen
Hi Newsgroup,
I am rather new to the use of Visio 2013 for Windows.
I need to create my own company customized background so the graphics in the background will follow when the sheet becomes larger. How do I do this?
I would also like to make a template (similar to the .DOT file in Word), so Visio always opens up with the required background.
Thanks in advance.
These newsgroups are no longer in use and it is unlikely that you will get an answer here.
There are replacement forums for Visio, Microsoft's own:

or Visio MVP VisioGuy
Regards, Paul Herber, Sandrila Ltd.
Electronics for Visio http://www.sandrila.co.uk/visio-electronics/
Electrical for Visio http://www.sandrila.co.uk/visio-electrical/
Electronics Packages for Visio http://www.sandrila.co.uk/visio-electronics-packages/
TTL for Visio http://www.sandrila.co.uk/visio-ttl/
CMOS for Visio http://www.sandrila.co.uk/visio-cmos/