2005-10-12 14:43:01 UTC
When I had 2002, I created a custom drawing size for one large drawing, 51.5
x 35 inches, and printed it to our HP 5500 PS. Now that I've upgraded to
2003, I can not get the plotter to print to the actual full size. It keeps
reducing it down to something like an E size. I've set the custom page sizes
every place I could find, told it to go to full page, and set the center horz
and vertical as well, no improvement. What's changed between 2002 and 2003
to screw this up?
x 35 inches, and printed it to our HP 5500 PS. Now that I've upgraded to
2003, I can not get the plotter to print to the actual full size. It keeps
reducing it down to something like an E size. I've set the custom page sizes
every place I could find, told it to go to full page, and set the center horz
and vertical as well, no improvement. What's changed between 2002 and 2003
to screw this up?