2007-08-31 13:36:05 UTC
Is seems that Visio does not respect the order of (overlapping) objects in a
CAD Drawing (DWG). Objects which overlap each other will not appear in the
correct way. This is a hell since we use to insert CAD Drawings frequently.
We did the test in Visio 2003 and 2007.
Both does not work well. Any experience of waht we can do ?
Converting does not work properly fot hatch)objects.
CAD Drawing (DWG). Objects which overlap each other will not appear in the
correct way. This is a hell since we use to insert CAD Drawings frequently.
We did the test in Visio 2003 and 2007.
Both does not work well. Any experience of waht we can do ?
Converting does not work properly fot hatch)objects.