Error loading visio generated webpg: 'Attribute only valid on v:im
(too old to reply)
2008-04-01 05:32:00 UTC
Hi, any help is appreciated with this frustrating problem...

Received error on some PCs (but not others) when loading a webpage generated
by Visio.

Error detail:
Error: 'Attribute only valid on v:image'

The error occurs at "this.s = docEl.style;" in this section of the webpage...

function CViewMgr(convertedImgID, highlightDivID)

var docDrawing = frmDrawing.document;
this.docDrawing = docDrawing;
var docEl = docDrawing.all(this.id);
if (docEl)
this.s = docEl.style;

Setup of my failing PC:
Webpage generated from Visio 2003 using VML option
Microsoft windows XP SP2 with all important updates.
IE6 with all important updates.
Windows firewall enabled or disabled. No other firewall software.
Symantec antivirus (auto-protect enabled or disabled)

Change Visio webpage generation option from VML to JPG (or PNG or GIF).
Able to load webpage. Would prefer VML, though, due to zooming features.

Comparision with "barebones" PC:
The webpage CAN be read on a "barebones" PC. This PC has a minumum of
applications installed and is used rarely. It includes these same essential
Microsoft windows XP SP2 with all important updates.
IE6 with all important updates.
(no symantec, many other programs not installed)

Using the debugger, I can see the barebones PC processes the offending line
in the webpage above with no problem.

I attempted to match essential settings of the failing PC with this
barebones PC. Regretfully, no improvement. The changes included: security
settings, internet options, uninstalling microsoft vm, unistalling java,
disabling add-ons.

Comparison with neighbor's PC
My neighbor was also unable to load the webpage with the same failure. He
has a PC similar to my failing PC.
Barb Way
2008-05-07 00:19:27 UTC
Interesting - it sounds as if the Norton app may have turned on some level
of VML blocking within IE. I am not familiar with the Norton tools - see
if you can turn off any IE security features that may have been added by
Norton. The other thing you could check is other add-ins in IE that might
be conflicting in some way.

Also check Internet Options> Advanced
"Allow active content to run in files on My Computer"
Try this unchecked (default) and checked.

Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
[This posting is provided "As Is" with no warranties, and confers no
Thread-Topic: Error loading visio generated webpg: 'Attribute only valid on
From: =?Utf-8?B?RnJlZA==?= <flund01-junk>
Subject: Error loading visio generated webpg: 'Attribute only valid on v:im
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 22:32:00 -0700

Hi, any help is appreciated with this frustrating problem...

Received error on some PCs (but not others) when loading a webpage
by Visio.

Error detail:
Error: 'Attribute only valid on v:image'

The error occurs at "this.s = docEl.style;" in this section of the

function CViewMgr(convertedImgID, highlightDivID)

var docDrawing = frmDrawing.document;
this.docDrawing = docDrawing;
var docEl = docDrawing.all(this.id);
if (docEl)
this.s = docEl.style;

Setup of my failing PC:
Webpage generated from Visio 2003 using VML option
Microsoft windows XP SP2 with all important updates.
IE6 with all important updates.
Windows firewall enabled or disabled. No other firewall software.
Symantec antivirus (auto-protect enabled or disabled)

Change Visio webpage generation option from VML to JPG (or PNG or GIF).
Able to load webpage. Would prefer VML, though, due to zooming features.

Comparision with "barebones" PC:
The webpage CAN be read on a "barebones" PC. This PC has a minumum of
applications installed and is used rarely. It includes these same
Microsoft windows XP SP2 with all important updates.
IE6 with all important updates.
(no symantec, many other programs not installed)

Using the debugger, I can see the barebones PC processes the offending line
in the webpage above with no problem.

I attempted to match essential settings of the failing PC with this
barebones PC. Regretfully, no improvement. The changes included: security
settings, internet options, uninstalling microsoft vm, unistalling java,
disabling add-ons.

Comparison with neighbor's PC
My neighbor was also unable to load the webpage with the same failure. He
has a PC similar to my failing PC.
