Visio internal error: #2107 with Visio 5 on Windows XP
(too old to reply)
Joe Haskins
2004-08-24 01:04:42 UTC
I just upgraded my parents to a new computer with Windows
XP. I installed their copy of Visio 5 on the new
computer and ignored the message telling me that it
wouldn't work on this version of windows. However,
anytime we try to print, we get Visio internal error:
#2107. They have a Lexmark X1150 printer - which is also

Any ideas?

Girish Bhatia
2004-08-25 20:39:14 UTC

Visio 5.0 should work on Windows XP provided you have Visio up to the
service pack which would be "C". There is no need to run XP in the
mode. Below is a link to the service pack for Visio 5.0. Please let me know
if this
information has resolved your issue.

254526 Visio5: What Is New in Service Release C and the Business Bonus Pack

Regarding the Visio Internal Error

1. Please remove un-necessary service and startup applications which are
running, disabling would be preferable.
2. Please start & stop the Printer Spooler Service and then try again.
3. Please try re-installing the Printer Driver from the Lexmark Website.
4. If all the above options have been tried then please create a new
Profile of the User from Control Panel -> Users.

Girish J Bhatia [MSFT]
