Visio 2003: shape search = Indexing Service Catalog does not exist
(too old to reply)
2007-12-03 00:00:01 UTC
C'mon Microsoft how bout some help on this one!!!
I've search for the last 6 months for the soln and although MANY people have
posted re this problem there has been NOTHING from MS re how to fix - this is
strange since its a common problem.
If you (MS) can't fix it at least add a KB article that you acknowledge it
exists & stop us all wasting so much time and energy trying to fix it!

When you search for a shape (eg "firewall") you get the following error:
"1. Visio Local Shapes - The Visio Indexing Service Catalog does not exist.
Please repair the Visio installation."

** This is really frustration since you know shapes are there but can't
easily find them **

Running a Visio repair - even one that resets all your customisations back
to defaults!
Deleting then re-creating your Visio index either by allowing the repair
(above) to do it automatically OR doing it manually.

ANY help would be very much appreciated.
Barb Way
2007-12-12 00:50:14 UTC
Nigel -

In searching around the KB, I found some articles regarding the Indexing
service that may help, since the Repair options have not fixed the issue
for you. Take a look at
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/826417 (Visio shapes and
stencils are missing or incomplete when you run Visio 2003 from a network

I understand that you may or may not be running Visio on a server operating
system. In that case, the steps may need to be modified to match your OS
options. Take a look and see if there is any relief from following the
steps in that article.

Otherwise, I would suggest that you may want to open a support case, as the
message you are seeing is certainly not what I would expect to occur,
especially if you have installed onto a clean system and already repaired.

Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
2007-12-12 05:43:01 UTC
Thanks Barb but already saw this article & it doesn't apply.
I gave up and installed Visio 2007 - search is now working.
Barb Way
2007-12-14 17:16:10 UTC
I'm glad Visio 2007 is working properly for you. Enjoy exploring the new
features :-)

Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.