Craig Bransfield
2007-04-09 22:14:05 UTC
Hello Folks,
I'm using the "Process Engineering" stencil libraries to develop Process Flow Diagrams (PFD's), which I then need to export to AutoCAD 2006. These perform well within Visio, and the "Save As...AutoCAD..." option performs without declared error, however there are a number of inconsistencies in the rendered AutoCAD blocks and entities:
a.. Most Visio line types become "continuous" AutoCAD entities, except for a few which do not render as AutoCAD entities at all.
b.. Varying Visio line weights all render at the same AutoCAD line weight.
c.. Some "double lines" within bubbles render in AutoCAD as single-line polyline entities in the form of a "Z" (the middle segment should not be there).
d.. Connection point lines from local instrument bubbles continue to the center of the bubble, rather than being trimmed at the edge of the bubble.
e.. Some Visio objects export to AutoCAD with extra "Solid" entities in "Color253" (should not be there).
f.. Some text word-wrapping occurs in AutoCAD which was not present in Visio.
g.. Visio text which contains an "opaque background" does not generate an equivalent "WIPEOUT" entity in AutoCAD.
Is there any way to control the actions of the DWG export routine in Visio so that these and other anomalies can be corrected? Do these problems still exist in the latest version of Visio (2007)?
Best regards,
Craig Bransfield
Automated Control and Technical Services
Bakersfield, CA, USA
I'm using the "Process Engineering" stencil libraries to develop Process Flow Diagrams (PFD's), which I then need to export to AutoCAD 2006. These perform well within Visio, and the "Save As...AutoCAD..." option performs without declared error, however there are a number of inconsistencies in the rendered AutoCAD blocks and entities:
a.. Most Visio line types become "continuous" AutoCAD entities, except for a few which do not render as AutoCAD entities at all.
b.. Varying Visio line weights all render at the same AutoCAD line weight.
c.. Some "double lines" within bubbles render in AutoCAD as single-line polyline entities in the form of a "Z" (the middle segment should not be there).
d.. Connection point lines from local instrument bubbles continue to the center of the bubble, rather than being trimmed at the edge of the bubble.
e.. Some Visio objects export to AutoCAD with extra "Solid" entities in "Color253" (should not be there).
f.. Some text word-wrapping occurs in AutoCAD which was not present in Visio.
g.. Visio text which contains an "opaque background" does not generate an equivalent "WIPEOUT" entity in AutoCAD.
Is there any way to control the actions of the DWG export routine in Visio so that these and other anomalies can be corrected? Do these problems still exist in the latest version of Visio (2007)?
Best regards,
Craig Bransfield
Automated Control and Technical Services
Bakersfield, CA, USA