Unable to display color in Visio 2003
(too old to reply)
2005-03-03 01:31:03 UTC
I'm copying this post from General Questions, as this seems a more
appropriate forum.

I'm having a display issue and I've noticed other posts describing exactly
the same problem.

Visio 2003 will not display color in the drawing window. I've tried numerous
settings to both Visio and my display adapter (Radeon Mobility on a ThinkPad
A30p), but nothing has worked. Color can be applied and it imports and
exports correctly--it simply won't display.

Visio 2002 worked fine. Unfortunately, my company is site-licensed for the
product and we're stuck with in-house support, otherwise I'd call MS directly
and have them fix this bug. Since every other product I use (and there are
lots of graphic apps) works, I suspect Microsoft screwed up the Visio 2003
interface to the GDI and it affects specific graphic chipsets.

My System:
-Visio 2003 Pro SP1 is running on WinXP SP2 with all updates applied.
-All drivers are the latest available from IBM.
-I have a CAD program that also uses GDI+ and it has no problems (other than
I can't use my OpenType and PS fonts).

I'm experiencing the following symptoms:

1) Nothing on a worksheet will display in color. All fills, regardless of
color (inc. black) or pattern, appear white. All lines appear black.
2) Shadows show up as a black outline with no fill
3) All lines under 1 pt show up as 1 pt width.
4) Shapes are in the correct color/fill while being drawn. As soon as the
shape is completed, it changes to black and white.
5) Shapes in preview windows (like the transparency preview) display

Anyone else with this color display problem, please add a reply with your
system info.

Anyone have any clues to fix this?


2005-06-05 04:02:36 UTC
I also have the same problem.
Please help if anyone knows how to fix it.
*I'm copying this post from General Questions, as this seems a more
appropriate forum.
I'm having a display issue and I've noticed other posts describin
the same problem.
Visio 2003 will not display color in the drawing window. I've trie
settings to both Visio and my display adapter (Radeon Mobility on
A30p), but nothing has worked. Color can be applied and it import
exports correctly--it simply won't display.
Visio 2002 worked fine. Unfortunately, my company is site-license
for the
product and we're stuck with in-house support, otherwise I'd call M
and have them fix this bug. Since every other product I use (an
there are
lots of graphic apps) works, I suspect Microsoft screwed up the Visi
interface to the GDI and it affects specific graphic chipsets.
-Visio 2003 Pro SP1 is running on WinXP SP2 with all update
-All drivers are the latest available from IBM.
-I have a CAD program that also uses GDI+ and it has no problem
(other than
I can't use my OpenType and PS fonts).
1) Nothing on a worksheet will display in color. All fills
regardless of
color (inc. black) or pattern, appear white. All lines appear black.
2) Shadows show up as a black outline with no fill
3) All lines under 1 pt show up as 1 pt width.
4) Shapes are in the correct color/fill while being drawn. As soon a
shape is completed, it changes to black and white.
5) Shapes in preview windows (like the transparency preview) display
Anyone else with this color display problem, please add a reply wit
system info.
Anyone have any clues to fix this?
Posted via http://www.mcse.m
View this thread: http://www.mcse.ms/message1462008.htm

Continue reading on narkive:
Search results for 'Unable to display color in Visio 2003' (Questions and Answers)
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started 2006-10-30 08:39:54 UTC