Wingdings 3 has replaced the normal font
(too old to reply)
2007-11-08 18:41:05 UTC
I'm using visio professional 2003 sp3, opening documents saved in the same or
earier formats . I find that the text font has changed to wingdings 3. I
can change it back by selecting a different format (defalt is normal), but
that looses all size and orientation data. I do not believe there are any
custom fonts in use, though there may be Japanese text in some places. Other
documents, even with mixed languages, work fine and other users with visio
2002 have no problem.

Ideas for fixing this? For finding out what 'normal' font is imbedded in
the document?

Barb Way
2008-01-04 16:42:59 UTC
There is a core change in text between the 2003 version and earlier releases of Visio. We rebuilt the product for Unicode, and as part of the changes, we
do not have a concept of a 'Font 0' anymore, which was the pre-2003 font concept.

With 2003, every drawing template / stencil set has shapes built around a certain font. In English language templates, this is Arial, for instance. So there is
no way to set a default for the application which alters those pre-built objects. Similarly, each template has a default font, so that new objects you create will
assume that font. As before, you can change the default font for a drawing by selecting a font when no objects on the page are selected. If you have
objects selected when you change the font - only the selected items will change, and the default remains as it was.

It seems likely that the issue you are seeing with existing drawings from earlier versions has to do with the changes in the core text management. If you can
reproduce this in a new drawing, I would be interested in the steps - especially if you are seeing font issues in a drawing created in 2003 and never edited in
an older version.

One other item - only Truetype (TTF) fonts are supported. In older versions of Visio, you could install Adobe Type Manager and Postscript fonts, and Visio
would use them. We no longer have that ability. This difference is documented in article http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=911978.

Hope that helps!

Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


I'm using visio professional 2003 sp3, opening documents saved in the same or
earier formats . I find that the text font has changed to wingdings 3. I
can change it back by selecting a different format (defalt is normal), but
that looses all size and orientation data. I do not believe there are any
custom fonts in use, though there may be Japanese text in some places. Other
documents, even with mixed languages, work fine and other users with visio
2002 have no problem.

Ideas for fixing this? For finding out what 'normal' font is imbedded in
the document?


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